Author: aurianneor

  • Nicolas de Stäel

    Nicolas de Stäel

    Nicolas de Stäel Wikiart: Artips:

  • Miss Terra cheers me up

    Miss Terra cheers me up

    Tiramisu Tira = terra = earth, soil -> Tiarra / Misu = sublime / minus  ->  Miss “Tiramisù” comes from the Venetian tiramesù [tirameˈsu], meaning “pick me up”, “cheer me up” or “lift me up” Miss Terra – Wikipedia: Tiramisu: 1) Mix three egg yolks and 75g of sugar until the mixture whitens. Add 250g…

  • Miss Terra Cheers me up

    Miss Terra Cheers me up

    Tiramisu Tira = terra = earth soil = terre -> Tiarre / Misu = sublime / minus  ->  Miss “Tiramisù” vient du Vénitien tiramesù [tirameˈsu], signifiant « tire-moi vers le haut », « remonte-moi le moral », « redonne-moi des forces » Miss Terra – Wikipedia: Tiramisu: 1) Mélanger trois jaunes d’œufs et 75g de sucre…

  • What you work for matters!

    What you work for matters!

    Peaceful environment for privileged people or efficient people who manage to live peacefully together and become priviledged? “Work must be placed above all competitive struggles. It is not a commodity.”. Albert Thomas  “My Life is My Message” Gandhi The basic income should be insured so that workers are not compelled to work for immoral causes.…

  • In yogurt we trust

    In yogurt we trust

    CRISPR-Cas9 A single shot to cure a disease that today requires lifelong medication costing 10k USD per year. – The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020 – Emmanuelle Charpentier & Jennifer A. Doudna: – MIT technology Day 2017: Feng Zhang’s speech : via @YouTube – Feng Zhang named James and Patricia Poitras Professor in NeuroscienceCRISPR…

  • Pointes de Monuments l Monument peaks

    Pointes de Monuments l Monument peaks

    Visions à la pointe de leur temps, artistiquement, techniquement et en acceptant la nature. l Visions at the peak of their time, artistically, technically and accepting nature. Jet d’eau Fountain – Geneva: La Sagrada Familia – Lonely Planet: Eiffel Tower: SagradaFamilia – Wikipedia: … Tour Eiffel – Wikipedia:

  • Weird, yet worth another look and feel

    Weird, yet worth another look and feel

    “The most common form of despair is not being who you are.” ― Søren Kierkegaard “Tous les hommes pensent que le bonheur se trouve au sommet de la montagne, alors qu’il réside dans la façon de la gravir. – Confucius   –The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013) – Wikipedia:

  • Ton/Ta Jean/Jeans/Gin Tagine/Tajine??? What’s this language!

    Ton/Ta Jean/Jeans/Gin Tagine/Tajine??? What’s this language!

    Ton/Ta Jean/Jeans/Gin Tagine/Tajine??? What’s this language! The better the quality of the products, the better the recipe to taste and for health. It is better to choose the right products: garden, A.M.A.P., market, craftsman, etc. preferably organic. Choose ingredients that go together: read tagine recipes and follow your inspiration. Cut the onions and fry them…

  • Ta Jean, My Jeans, Mon Gin

    Ta Jean, My Jeans, Mon Gin

    Plus la qualité des produits est bonne, meilleur sera la recette au goût et pour la santé. Il est préférable de bien choisir ses produits: du jardin, d’une A.M.A.P., du marché, d’un artisan, d’une permaculture etc. de préférence bio, sans pesticides ni engrais. Choisir des ingrédients qui vont ensemble: lire des recettes de tagines puis suivre…

  • Artists on tumblr : Le café deLe Pussy cat Artistes Nightclub

    Artists on tumblr : Le café deLe Pussy cat Artistes Nightclub

    Artists on tumblr : Le café deLe Pussy cat Artistes Nightclub On one side the trunked Artists with no coffee left, on the other the Pussy Cat Night Clubs. Pornographie non consentie, messages haineux… Tumblr durcit ses règles de modération –  Le Monde: MERCI                    …