It’s not going well. Purchasing power is melting away, the standard of living is falling, and doctors are less and less available, drugs less and less reimbursed, and so on.
Pouvoir d’achat : ce que disent les chiffres… et ce qu’ils ne disent pas – Radio France:
There is clearly competition for resources. If grain runs out, prices will go up. There could be power cuts. Families are fighting over water, which farmers want to use in mega-basins. There are too many workers for the job market. There are too many sick people for the healthcare system. The state coffers are empty. Tension is created by the fact that there are too many of us on a small slice of the cake. Lack doesn’t make you good, it only makes you more selfish. It’s me first! Everyone defends their own little piece of the cake. For example, there are often deaths during food distributions.
Bousculade au Maroc lors d’une distribution d’aide: au moins 15 morts – Le Point:
Nigeria : 4 morts dans une bousculade lors d’une distribution d’aide par un groupe d’aide local – AA:
Over the past fifty years, we’ve become accustomed to a neoliberal narrative that has hardened since the 2000s: those with the most right to the cake are the early risers, the front runners. The far right, on the other hand, asserts that those most deserving of a slice of the cake are the racially pure. They promise the forgotten of the Republic that they will come first. They’re the only ones who speak to those who can’t survive in today’s world: rural dwellers who can’t face up to unfair competition from imports or illegal immigrants, people in precarious situations because industries have been relocated, and so on. They appeal to people’s selfishness. They win elections in Europe and support Putin, who finances them. This weakens the West. Instead of making people envious, they make them horrified: they accept discrimination and slavery. In Russia, rich white people live well because they exploit minorities in their own interests. The oligarchs fatten up and enjoy the biggest slice of the cake. The crumbs are left for others to fight over. The share given to the oligarchs only gets bigger, and people become increasingly racist. 1% of the population owns half the world’s wealth. The every man for himself mentality is detrimental to the whole. Solidarity is what pays off.
1 % de la population possède près de la moitié de la fortune mondiale – Observatoire des inégalités:
Depuis 2020, les 1 % les plus riches ont capté près de deux fois plus de richesses que le reste de l’humanité – Oxfam International:
It’s the law of the richest: they reduce the slice of the cake shared by middle-income earners, and take the whole cake.
If wealth were distributed fairly, everyone could be richer. There would be more public services: trains, hospitals, schools, etc.
In the 90s in the West, there was more cake for everyone and people were more united. The far right was less strong.
People behave differently depending on the size of their fortune. The richest can speculate. For example, they block wheat to drive up prices.
La loi du plus riche – Oxfam:
We need to tax the richest to fight inequality.
Un siècle d’inégalités de revenus : les super-riches regagnent le terrain perdu: – Observatoire des inégalités:
Il faut prendre l’argent où il se trouve : chez les plus riches – CGT:
Les riches gagnent quand les pauvres se battent entre eux– Le blog de Bernard Gensane:
La crise économique favorise le racisme, s’alarme le Conseil de l’Europe – Le point:
Economic scarcity alters the perception of race – PNAS:
They really have us fighting each other over crumbs while they sneak off with the entire cake.
The Spirit of ’45 – Ken Loach:,
France : la jeunesse n’emmerde plus le RN | ARTE Reportage:
A gauche de l’extrême – Le Billet de Charline dans le 7/10 – France Inter :
Rassemblement National : les raisons d’un succès – France Culture: