
The Rust Belt

The Rust Belt made the eastern USA rich and prosperous. From 1850 to 1980, the largest American companies were located near the Great Lakes: US Steel, Ford, General Motors, etc. Millions of Americans worked in these factories, at first in difficult conditions, then these conditions improved thanks to the organization of workers into unions. These struggles helped create a relatively prosperous middle class. Multi-billionaires such as J.P. Morgan, William Durant and Henry Ford were their benefactors.

This highly concentrated activity around the world’s second-largest drinking water reserve has led to a great deal of pollution. In 1969, the Cuyahoga River in Cleaveland caught fire.

“The River Caught Fire”: The Cuyahoga River Fire of 1969 – CHE:

Burn On (Remastered) – Randy Newman:

In the 1980s, billionaires wanted to increase their margins. They used their influence on Ronald Reagan to relocate their factories to Mexico and continue selling tax-free in the USA. The people of the Rust Belt were abandoned first by their employers, then by the unions who didn’t fight hard enough against this, then by governments who didn’t organize social security and built prisons in the face of rising crime. When the Democrats returned to power under Bill Clinton, they did nothing for the Rust Belt. In the early 2000s, the opioid crisis hit this region, particularly in the poorest neighborhoods. Many residents were driven out of their homes because without work they couldn’t pay the rent or their mortgage. As no one wanted to buy in the area, some owners were forced to stay in their properties. The communes became as poor as their inhabitants, and could no longer organize public services such as school transport or health care. Pollution was still present, making people ill. The Barack Obama administration has equally neglected the Rust Belt.

When the US faced an influx of Syrian refugees in 2015, the majority of these refugees were relocated to the Rust Belt.

A Lonely Life for Immigrants in America’s Rust Belt – The Atlantic:

The Rust Belt is now home to the largest Muslim community in the United States.

Donald Trump was the first to take an interest in the people of the Rust Belt. He campaigned there, appearing on local TV and radio shows. He promised a return to a factory-industrial past, presented as a golden age. He attacked the Muslim community as a source of competition in the workforce and promised to close the border with Mexico. This population in turn voted for him in 2016. He kept none of his promises once in power.

On the other hand, the Biden-Harris administration, supported by both Democrats and Republicans, passed a $1200 billion plan to invest in infrastructure and public services in the Rust Belt. The Rust Belt states benefited from a budget equivalent to that of the army. For example, 9,000 new school buses have been purchased for Michigan. Factories like Intel and TSMC (microprocessor manufacturers) were relocated. Federal money has been invested to create wind power plants and ensure that these states have 100% renewable energy by 2050. These huge projects will take time to show results, but these states are no longer abandoned.

Biden’s legacy will be transforming the Rust Belt into the EV Belt – The Hill:

Rust Belt To Green Belt:

Michigan’s unemployment rate, at 3.5%, is the lowest since 1969.

‘Fixing the damn roads’: A look at the Biden administration’s investments in Michigan – The Michigan Daily:

Joe Biden refused to use force to end the 2023 strikes as demanded by the vehicle manufacturers. Instead, he personally supported the striking factory workers, who won a 25% pay rise.

We are proud to be ‘rednecks’. It’s time to reclaim that term – The Guardian:

Continuing what Joe Biden started is the best thing that can happen in the Rust Belt. Their degraded environment needs environmental measures to protect residents from polluters.

Kamala Harris, when she was California Attorney General, brought down one of America’s biggest oil companies, Exxon Mobile, and the Obama administration for failing to protect people from pollution. What sets her apart from her predecessors is that she has attacked the biggest polluters, and even politicians of her own political persuasion.

Harris is ‘perfect person’ to prosecute big oil, climate advocates say – The Guardian:

Kamala Harris said she would defend the Palestinians’ rights to security and self-determination. She supports Ukraine.

Trump ‘likelier winner’ unless Harris tackles two failings, says ex-ambassador – The Guardian:

The Rust Belt has relied on billionaires for its prosperity, and that has led to ruin and misery. Donald Trump is a billionaire who did nothing for the Rust Belt when he could. What’s more, the golden age he promises is a polluted age where it’s hard to breathe and drink.

Kamala Harris proposes new, non-polluting industries and continued investment by the Biden administration.

Roger & Me – Michael Moore – IMDB:

Randy Newman – Mr. President (Have Pity On The Working Man):

Fahrenheit 11/9 – Michael Moore – IMDB:

Now, Kamala Harris Must Hear From Us: 80 Days to a Better World – Michael Moore:

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Aurianne Or by Aurianne Or is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0