
Zero emission transport

Producing hydrogen by electrolysis of water using various primary sources of carbon-free energy (wind, sun, water) could prove useful for trucks (which contribute 25% of CO2 emissions in the transport sector), public transport and boats. Unlike electric cars, which consume lithium, the use of which is harmful to the environment, hydrogen produced by electrolysis of water is perfectly ecological. As lorries, public transport and container ships make recurring journeys, it would be possible to set up a green hydrogen supply.

What’s more, solar and wind farms are often shut down because they produce too much electricity. We could use this (free) surplus energy to electrolyse hydrogen reserves instead of wasting it. So 100% green hydrogen would quickly make large quantities of fuel available in stock.

Finally, if there’s a polluting factory next door, we can recover the CO2 from its chimney to make methane using the same installation.

Jupiter 1000 : l’aventure du Power to Gas

L’hydrogène : miracle ou mirage énergétique ? | Les questions qui fâchent | ARTE:

Aurianne Or by Aurianne Or is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0