
40 years, a nuclear risk under control?

40 ans, un risque nucléaire maîtrisé?

Is using 40-year-old nuclear power stations a controlled risk? When will other energy sources be available? Vote!

For more information:

Nucléaire : mais dans quel état sont nos centrales ! – Le Parisien:

Diagnostic alarmant d’EDF sur les diesels de secours des réacteurs nucléaires -Le journal de l’énergie: et


et le rapport complet

Emmanuel Macron se révélera-t-il aussi médiocre que François Hollande sur l’écologie ? – Bastamag:


Climate change means we have to move away from energy sources that emit greenhouse gases. Nuclear power is not a solution for the future. It does not resolve any issues: neither the independence of supply, nor the safety of the installations, nor the management of waste, nor the financial costs. We must therefore move away from it. It is an exciting technical and human horizon. Several studies (NegaWatt, Ademe, etc.) have shown that it is possible by 2050. All that is lacking is the political will.

The program of La France insoumise proposes to implement the following measures:

  • Adopt an energy transition plan with a dual focus on energy efficiency and the transition to renewable energy.
  • Develop all renewable energy sources.
  • Phase out carbon-based energy, starting with an end to subsidies for fossil fuels and all exploration for shale gas and oil and coal.
  • Stop the privatization of hydroelectric dams.
  • Abandon nuclear power.
  • Immediately close Fessenheim, guaranteeing the employment and training of employees to turn it into a pilot site for decommissioning.
  • Abandon the major overhaul operation aimed at extending the life of nuclear power plants beyond forty years.
  • Abandon the EPR projects (Flamanville and Hinkley Point) and the burial of nuclear waste in Bure.
  • Make public the data on the burial of nuclear waste over the last sixty years and provide information on proven and/or potential health hazards.
  • Create a public energy center to pursue a coherent policy, by renationalizing EDF and Engie (formerly GDF) in conjunction with local renewable energy production and consumption cooperatives and by promoting self-production and the sharing of surpluses.
  • Reverse the liberalization of the electricity market and repeal the NOME law.

Les Suisses approuvent l’abandon progressif du nucléaire – Le Monde :

– Les centrales nucléaires françaises ne sont toujours pas aux normes post-Fukushima – Le Monde:

Translated with Deepl

Aurianne Or by Aurianne Or is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0